Last day of May and already into June. I can't believe how fast each month is going by. It seems like these past three days took forever because there is not much movement on the weekends, plus today is a holiday too. It is so hot and sticky on the tier right now, and the over-sized fans just blow warm air. Many inmates walk around without their shirts on covered with baby powder to keep their bodies cool.
This environment and the humidity inside doesn't bother me because it was exactly like this every soccer pre-season at Temple University. Unfortunately, this heat makes everyone irritable and unpredictable. Arguments can start just from brushing into someone when you walk by, and arguments can turn to chaos just as quick as the accidental bump occurred. I usually treat these situations as an opportunity to practice self-control, but it's extremely hard because it seems as if everyone's senses are heightened, their egos fragile, and spaces easily invaded. In fact, I heard outside during rec that a particular inmate dropped a remedy slip on Jay and me saying that we were receiving food from the outside. I guess he acted out of jealousy. Pretty crazy that this happened today considering what I wrote about yesterday pertaining to envious people. A person who drops a secret remedy form in prison is known as a snitch. That is a label you definitely don't want in here because it is the unwritten code in prison that snitches get stitches.
That situation got us upset because we thought this inmate was cool with us, and we have no idea what his motives were. Usually I would respond hot-headed, but this time I decided to pray about it. After praying, I felt a little better, but still felt like I was backed into a corner and had no other option but to react to the situation. The next best thing was to sit down and write, but before I did, I opened a book I had never read before, and there was a chapter about every action having a reaction. I read a little bit of it, and then came across and example that used the exact person;s name in it that had snitched on us. I could not believe my eyes. The answer to my prayer rested right in front of me. With the wise instruction, it was a lot easier to completely place that issue in God's hands. Just shows you some of the people and the mentality in here. A lot of wolves in sheep's clothing and a lot of sly snakes. A wicked man is a trouble maker. A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his finger, perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly. Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. Proverbs 6:12-15
I now know how I have to treat this jealous inmate, and that's like a prescription friend, take him in small doses. I, too, can say that the heat is getting to me a bit. I have let an inmate irritate me. I should do as a wise man, who thinks about his troubles only when there is some purpose in doing so. I'm glad I took a cold shower and prayed because second thoughts are even wiser.
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