I woke up early this morning with back spasms. I’m not sure if I slept wrong on it or if it is from lifting/running during rec. Regardless I skipped both rec’s today and just relaxed on the tier. I was able to write several letters, and finally start a book on King David called, “A Man of Passion and Destiny: David” by Charles Swindoll. There are so many beautiful truths in the first few chapters. These days, I find myself reading something and then applying it to my situation in prison, only to realize that it always applies to every part of life, confined or not.
Four such words that I had written down several weeks ago from I Samuel 16, “For I have provided,” were reiterated today when I was reading about David. To sum it up, the people chose Saul as King and Saul failed because what man picks without God in mind will not succeed. God had already knew this prior to the people picking Saul, just as he already knew where everyone of us would be today. We tend to try to figure things out on our own, only to find out that “we don’t know.” “For I have provided myself a king,” not I will provide, but past tense, “have provided.”
God already knew who he had in mind to replace Saul and what God provides always comes to fruition. We panic when we don’t know what’s ahead, but God already knows and He provides. Before I was born on April 13th, 1984, God already knew where I would rest my head in July, 2010. He knows perfectly well what is best for us. We always want to know what’s next, that’s not faith. Faith is trusting in God when we do not know what tomorrow brings.
“When a man or woman of God fails, nothing of God fails. When a man or woman of God changes, nothing of God changes. When someone dies, nothing of God dies. “ It was the prophet Isaiah who wrote: “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 (David p.15)
~~~God knows from the beginning and He provides~~~
It isn’t about what we’ve done, success/money/glory, but it’s about what He has provided.
Tomorrow my brother Ant, his wife Anne, and my nephew Roman are coming, YAY!!
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