I'm not sure, but I think people have me confused with their own personal experience or what the world is saying. Apparently it is unrealistic that my thoughts and perspective could be "that positive" and some do not understand this. I can write of negativity and the bad, but this is only a form of complaining; plus I do not allow myself to be corrupted by the evil influences around me. When our minds are focused on God's truth, it is a state of peace. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:7.
Society assumes that because prison is dark and gloomy, that our description of it must follow suit. Likewise, it is common to believe that our circumstances must define us, our adversity must conquer us, and our pain must consume us. I cannot change my point of view and I cannot lie about my peace; the peace of God. Hope can be seen in any dark situation when we are led by the Light. "Then Jesus spoke to them again saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (John 8:12).
Never allow any circumstance or worldly view tell you what to say or feel. Affliction and suffering should be used to mature us in Christ, allowing us to rejoice in tribulation. I know that pressure bursts pipes because it is an overpowering force and similarly, the world's pressures and its continuous influences do the same, causing distress. But, believers know that we should trust in the One who already overcame the world "John 16:33.
~That's the personal experience I want to emulate~
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