Just one of those slow days in prison, Thursday, and it's also Jay and mines fast day. The weather is changing so there is a lot of sniffling, coughing, congestion, etc., on the tier. I go from being stuffed up in the morning to running in the evening. Jay is actually feeling under the weather too, so he has been sleeping most of the day. I'm not sure if my symptoms are allergen or head cold, but either way they have made me feel fatigued. On top of that, my inactivity is causing me to crave food even more on this "fast" day.
I found myself not having the energy to read, write, or do rec, and when I'm not able to do those things, I feel unproductive. I don't like being physically unproductive at any moment in the day, but today I just felt drowsy.
Then I remembered what I learned from a dear friend who was recently ill, and they told me that during that time of exhaustion and laying helplessly in bed, they decided to be "mentally productive" by talking with God. What a beautiful way of describing our thoughts; "mentally productive."
Because of this lesson learned, I found my down time to be extremely productive because of what I did mentally; praying took my mind off my stomach and symptoms and placed my attention on things above.
So many times, our mind is what controls our output and level of effectiveness. When we settle with ourselves that we are too tired or sick to even think, we are allowing our thoughts to dictate our produce, our fruits, our yield, and ultimately our promises.
"For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us" II Corinthians 1:20. All of Christ's promises, a YES, for they are true and trustworthy.
Even in inactivity, it is possible to be purpose driven mentally
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