"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). Fear of anything can have a distressing and anguishing affect on our lives when we allow it to overcome us. It will influence our decision making, alter our outlook, and cause undue stress and anxiety. But the fear spoken of in this verse is talking about having a reverence and utmost respect for God; for He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is all-present.
A healthy "fear of the Lord" enables us to submit to His will and trust Him with the unknown. Yet despite what we know, we still fear what lies ahead and experience apprehension in uncertainty. Essentially, we fear what our God already knows.
Coming to a place like prison, or any unfamiliar situation, brings about this fear caused by uncertainty, this "fear of the unknown." The unknown in life keeps us either trusting or stressing. When we fully trust, we do so because we have full confidence that our God is in complete control. Conversely, when we choose to stress, we are left with an uneasy anticipation and pervading dread of the future.
The latter of these two is more common. Had we known certain things in our lives would happen before they did, there would have been no point in having faith. Since we don't know the future, our faith can bring us to and through the humanly unknown. We remain steadfast because we believe entirely that God already knows and has us in His Heavenly plan. Easier said than done?
Well, had I come into prison with fear as my guidance instead of faith, I would have succumbed to the unknown by giving up or giving in to my environment. Likewise, had I come into this situation already knowing what was ahead, I would have relied completely on myself, and self always lets us down.
When we think we know what is next in our life or what we are supposed to do, we are edging God out (E.G.O.), trying to figure things out on our own. We have the unknown so that we can place all faith in God; fearing Him and submitting to Him, and not to the unknown.
I am humbled to "not know" what lies ahead, (nor do I want to know), because it is in this awareness that fearing the Lord brings understanding. When it comes down to it, all understanding depends on our knowledge of God. I know He is in control. Personally speaking, I would rather have the "fear of the Lord" then to live in dread of what lies ahead.
My clarification: Combine what I "know" about the Lord (His sovereignty and strength), with not fearing the "ledge" of the unknown and herein begins true "knowledge".
"Fear not, for I am with you...." Isaiah 41:10
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