Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dark Storm

It’s Friday before 4th of July weekend and the only American flag in sight is the patch on the Correction Officer’s uniforms. How ironic to be celebrating Independence “Freedom Day” in prison locked up. It’s nice and cool on the tier and beautiful outside, but they say tomorrow and the upcoming week is gonna be unbearable. The tier will probably turn into a wet sauna.
I received several encouraging letters today from all across the country and it’s amazing to see the support and feedback. One such letter, from a pen pal who has become a friend and someone whom I have begun to admire, wrote me something that made perfect sense and the analogy used was a situation mostly everyone has experienced at one point or another.
They spoke of a sudden onset of a terrible storm. They said, it was so bad that they lost complete power and it sounded as if large rocks were hitting their house due to the thunder and hail. This person sat in the complete dark, all alone, and began to pray for God’s protection in this dark storm. They wrote, “When we are cut off from the world (lights, TV, phone, all electric, etc.) and are amongst darkness, we turn to the true light, the Lord.” They continued, “I found myself ‘being still’ at that moment and thinking how sometimes it takes darkness to open our eyes to the light.”
In a world filled with darkness it will only take one candle to brighten up the room. When troubles hit, remember what is true, and take heart. The indwelling Holy Spirit has the resources to provide what we need, to equip us for the journey, and to sustain us with His presence throughout the dark days. Nothing can stop the purposes of our Lord from being carried out. (In Touch)
“If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me, even the night shall be light about me.” Psalm 139:11
~~The Lord sees in the dark as clearly as He does in the light~~~

Is anyone currently going through a DARK storm?

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