Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Got what I deserved

I cannot complain about a single thing in prison. The noise? Nope. The environment? Nope. The ignorance? Nope. How about the way the guards treat me? No, not even that. I wrote recently about the attitude of expecting and giving.

Some inmates believe they deserve certain things. I believe I am deserving of just ONE thing: that is to be where I am because I did something terribly wrong. I undoubtedly cannot complain.

A dangerous mind is someone who believes they do not belong here. They believe that regardless of what they may have done, they are above this place. I say that is a dangerous mind because without accountability for our actions, we become like animals, literally, showing no feelings, logic, or common sense toward anything or anyone around us.

The mentalities that refuse to own up to their behaviors become self-indulged, and anything that impedes on that false sense of "righteousness," works like acid, eating away at reality. The dangerous mind is in fact dangerous, because that mind-set-is set on self.

I know this place can rub you every which way, but if you use that pressure and friction just right, this application will make you sharp in character. Those who allow their environment to rub them the wrong way, where the rubbing becomes scraping, will eventually become dull. It is crucial to recognize our actions knowing that we inmates got what we deserved. Many will disagree, but I speak for myself when I say, "I'd rather admit to deserving prison than to submit to a dangerous mind."

~ I'm right where I need to be~

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